Minggu, 26 September 2010

LIFE IN 2020

Technology is getting higher and higher every year. People used telephone which had heavy box and couldn’t be brought anywhere many years ago but today we use cell phone or smart phone to call someone and it can be used anywhere. We also used to type a report or assignment by ‘typed machine’ but now there are personal computer, notebook, net book, and macbook to help us in typing. It shows us how fast technology has grown.

I saw a movie about human’s life next two decades. It told us that technology has developed so fast. We use computer technology in everything we do. We don’t have to employ someone to be our assistant to remind us what we have to do later. We can remember everything by using computer technology and put it in our mirror, photo frame, and other stuff in our house. We can make an avatar to be our assistant and it is similar to human. If we search for information, we can ask him or her like talking to other people. We can also put computer technology in our refrigerator to check our food regularly and if it is empty, the computer will order the food itself and ask the supermarket to send the food to our house. Moreover, computer technology can be used for sightseeing or visiting many wonderful places in the whole world without spending lots of money. What we need is just save the 3D pictures in it so we can see the places and feel like being there. Therefore, most of people love watching movie at cinema but in the year of 2020, people don’t have to go to the cinema to watch the movie. They are able to watch it anywhere by wearing glasses with computer technology in it.

We don’t need any servants to clean up, cook, wash our clothes and serve us too because there will be a robot which replace them. The robot can also be our security to take care our house while we aren’t at home (working, studying, going to cinema, etc). It has a sensor like our eyes to keep an eye on our house even our stuff by translating them to ‘their language’ which contains numbers. Once we save the numbers to the computer in its brain, the sensor will recognize our equipments (books, TV, plates, sofas, tables, etc). Let me illustrate, one day your friend borrows your book. If he/she puts the book in their room, the robot will know where your book is. Then when you need it but you forget where you put it, the robot will remind you that your book is in your friend’s room. So you can find and use it. However, this robot doesn’t have any emotion like human. It is not able to smile, feel angry, sad, and other feelings and the scientists are doing some research to make a robot with emotions like human kind.

According to the movie, we know that computer technology gives us many advantages for our life. It has high technology that is very useful in many aspects. It means that computer technology make our works easier than before. It is more efficient and we can finish many different jobs together because it takes short time to do it and can be found anywhere. For police officers, the reason they can secure the roads in a big city, such as London, by monitoring them from their office is that hidden cameras on the roads use computer technology which connect with many screens in their office. The hidden cameras also recognize somebody’s face in order that if there is a terrorist in the city, they are easy to find and catch the person.

On the other hand, although computer technology helps us, there are some disadvantages too. First, computer technology makes people lazy because we don’t have to work hard to do something, just click a button then everything is done. Second, we use our brain less than before. We don’t have any effort to think by ourselves to solve problems in life, so we might become stupid. Finally, what computer technology makes is artificial. In other words, we can say that all of them are created by people and not happening naturally. In fact we cannot have any real experiences because we never visit the places.

Even though computer technology makes our life easier, there is something that we have to do by ourselves without it. High technology is awesome but we have to manage and control it. We sort some works which can be done by ourselves and some which have to use computer technology. By using the computer technology wisely, I believe our life will be much better.

Sabtu, 11 September 2010

Children Copy...

Children copy their parents’ behaviors..
Many parents think children have a bad behavior by copying their friends. But, have they ever thought that children copied their behaviors?
Every parents want their children to be a good person in future. They teach them how to behave, control their emotion, talk to other people in good ways and manage their life. They also give some advices when their children face a problem. They always tell everything is good or bad although their children sometimes don’t listen to them. They just try to give the best for their children.
However, we all know that nobody’s perfect even parents. They try to give us the best but, sometimes they can do something bad. For example, nowadays many parents smoke in front of their children. They never realize that they do something wrong. They show a bad example to their children. Don’t be surprised if someday their children will smoke because children can copy their behavior. Many parents also always talk about good things but they just talk about it not do it. We can call it “bullshit”.
I wanna tell a little story based on my experience. My father always teaches me when you lose something because you forget where you put it, just try to search it. You can’t find it just by talking loudly to other people, “where is my wallet??? (example)”. Your wallet won’t come to you. One day, my father lost his flash disk and he forgot where he put it. He asked me, “Andari, did you know where my flash disk is?” “I don’t know dad,” I answered. Then, I helped him to find it. I searched everywhere but I couldn’t find it. 15 minutes later, my father still couldn’t find his flash disk and he got stress (because it was really important) and he shouted, “where is my flash disk? Why can’t nobody find it??” Ok, 30 minutes later, he realized something. He checked his bag and he found his FD there. Well, he just smiled at me.
Eventhough parents have given us the best, they are still a usual human. They can make mistakes and do something wrong. As their children, we have rights to choose what the best for us. We have a wonderful brain to think and decide which is good or bad. We can’t accept everything without think about it first. As the result, we can copy our parents’ good behavior and we can throw away all the bad.

Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

C.O.V.E.R (part 2)

Seperti yang pernah saya alami sebelumnya. Waktu itu saya bertemu dengan seorang wanita yang penampilannya biasa-biasa saja alias tidak fashionable. Hal pertama yang saya pikirkan adalah saya merasa dia pendiam dan tertutup orangnya. Tapi ketika saya telah mengenal orang itu dengan baik, saya menyadari sesuatu yang lebih dari diri dia. Ternyata dia anak yang baik, pintar, berwawasan luas dan bisa mendengarkan cerita-cerita saya (setiap orang bisa mendengar tapi sedikit yang bisa mendengarkan). Saya beruntung bisa menjadi teman baiknya hingga saat ini. Walaupun sekarang dia kuliah di tempat yang berbeda dengan saya, namun kami bisa saling mendukung dan menyempatkan waktu untuk sekedar ngobrol atau jalan-jalan.

Lain lagi halnya ketika saya berada di bangku SMA. Banyak orang yang mengira saya itu seorang wanita yang bisanya hanya have fun and spend lots of money. Ada juga yang mengira saya wanita “nakal” karena telinga saya ditindik 6 dan merokok pula. Tapi itu semua hanyalah penampilan saya yang sehari-hari mereka lihat dari luar. Mereka tidak pernah tahu sebenarnya diri saya seperti apa karena mereka tidak mau mengenal saya lebih dalam lagi.

Dengan pengalaman-pengalaman berharga itu, saya mendapat kesimpulan bahwa tidak semua yang kita lihat itu karakter mereka. Kita harus bisa membuktikannya dengan mengenal baik orang tersebut, barulah kita bisa menyimpulkan seperti apa diri mereka sebenarnya. Tidak semua yang kita lihat itu nyata...

C.O.V.E.R (part 1)

First, i would like to thank to CHRISTIAN NATASAPUTRA for teaching me how to make a blog.. ^^
About my blog title “C.O.V.E.R : You just see the outside, but you don’t know what is in inside” :
Banyak orang yang menilai sesuatu dari penampilannya. Kita jarang menemui orang yang menilai sesuatu dari dalamnya. Seperti ketika kita pergi ke toko buku, sebelum kita memutuskan untuk membeli sebuah buku, pasti kita melihat dulu sampulnya. Jika sampul bukunya menarik, baru kita lihat sinopsis atau  ringkasan ceritanya. Sama seperti ketika kita pergi ke toko baju. Pertama-tama kita lihat-lihat dulu mana baju yang sesuai dengan selera kita. Jika sudah sesuai, barulah kita mencobanya dan kemudian membelinya.
Sekarang, pernakah kita menyadari kalau semua kebiasaan itu juga kita pakai untuk menilai seseorang? Ketika kita sedang berjalan di mal atau tempat ramai lainnya, kita melihat penampilan orang lain dengan beribu-ribu pendapat tentang mereka di kepala kita. Sama juga ketika kita berkenalan dengan orang untuk pertama kalinya. Biasanya kita melihat dulu penampilan mereka, apakah rapi, berantakan, biasa saja, fashionable, ditato, ditindik dan sebagainya. Pertanyaannya, apakah yang kita lihat itu diri mereka yang sesungguhnya atau hanyalah ilusi belaka?

Senin, 16 Agustus 2010


cek cek..
satu dua tiga..
cek cek...
test test..
testing testing..
satu tetes langsung bunting...